Scientist for Genetically Engineered Foods

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Welcome to our site!

We all have important values and ideas, things we care about and want to share. Sometimes we feel our ideas can even change the world, and we want to let other people know how they can join in and make all our lives better.

This site will present our organization's cause or ideas to the world. As communicating isn't always easy, we'll try to include photos and images that convey our message. We'll also include specific information about our organization and its members, so no one forgets the people behind the pictures.

On this home page, we'll introduce our cause or message.


Genetically Moddifyed Foods can benefit us all. Even the sick.

Mission Statement

At Scientist For Genetically Modified Foods we strive to educate people about the benefits of Genetically Modified Foods. We also want people to know the real truth, not only part of It.

Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list.

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Scientist for Genetically Engineered Foods!!!

Copyright 2001, S.F.G.E.F Agency